39th Annual Children's Literature Conference
A Message From the Conference Staff
Join us for the 39th Annual Children’s Literature Conference Turn Up The Volume: Rocking Reading In Every Classroom. We will celebrate the power of books to create a classroom culture that nurtures a love of reading, creates a sense of belonging, and makes books come alive through student-to-student and teacher-to-student conversations that deepen thinking, inspire the imagination, and create excited, engaged, and motivated readers who can and do read.
You and your students will have the opportunity to meet some of the best and brightest children’s authors and illustrators in the field. In April, we will bring the joy of literature to your classroom. We’ll be offering a collection of affordable virtual events created with your students in mind. Experiences will range from classroom author visits to art demonstrations and writing workshops with award-winning authors and illustrators. After your students have left for the day, you will have the opportunity to attend after-school Happy Hours and discussions with the authors and illustrators and enjoy in-depth conversations about the stories behind the stories.
So, gather your colleagues and students and join us from April through June as we create a robust community of readers. Immerse yourself and your students in some of the best books, meet your favorite authors, connect with fellow educators, and enjoy all the gifts reading offers. We can’t wait to get started!